This photo taken in May 2011 shows part of our range of native Australian wetland plants ready for sale and orders.
WETLANDS CREATIONS www.wetlandscreations.com.au
As of late 2014 we have suspended production of plants for the foreseeable future, and we are no longer able to take orders or supply plants. If this situation changes we will post it here on our website. I'm going to leave this website up, as it may have some useful information for you, as well as our other website www.wetlandsinfo.net.au
We are a Plant Propagation Nursery of Native Australian Wetland Plants
Wetlands Creations is a specialist nursery, growing only native Australian wetland (and wetland associated) plants. For a list of the wetland and aquatic plants we grow, including pictures and information about the plants please see our Plants List page.
Our specialist nursery is located under the highest peaks of the Grampians National Park (in Victoria, Australia), an area of high rainfall and good sun - ideal conditions for propagating wetland plants. Having started the nursery in 2002 shortly after commencing our 30 pond habitat wetland system, we have now supplied plants for a range of projects from back yard ponds and farm dam habitat for wildlife projects, to storm water wetlands, residential development and even a sewage treatment wetlands for the Lake Bolac township (western Victoria, Australia). Our plants have been used in projects in Victoria (Australia) in the Ballarat region, Wimmera, Grampians, Warrnambool area and as far away as Gippsland, and interstate in Canberra (Australian Capital Territory) and Newcastle (New South Wales).
Using plant transport companies, we are able to ship plants to locations in Australia; including Victoria (Vic.), South Australia (S.A.), New South Wales (N.S.W.), Australian Capital Territory (A.C.T.) and Queensland (Qld). Due to quarantine restrictions on plant movements we are not able to supply plants (or seeds) to other states or territories of Australia, or to overseas destinations.
Over the 11 years that we have been growing wetland plants, we have developed a tailored process, and purpose built nursery infrastructure that allows us to grow healthy vigorous wetland plants. Our plants are grown in individual pots (most commonly in forestry tubes) to allow for sorting by size and excellent root development. The pots are held in boxes holding water to the ideal depth for each species. Some species (eg. Marsilea mutica – typically grown in 4 inch, 100mm, pots) are grown in bigger pots as they are propagated by rhizome division as forestry tubes are too small for their rhizomes. We tailor the pot size for each species we grow, so that they are all able to grow without restriction and stress caused by too small a pot size. These, plus other special treatments allows us to supply and sell Australian wetland plants that are health, vigorous and have the necessary strength to have the best possible chance to flourishing once planted.
I hope you enjoy ourweb site and that you are able to gain some useful information about some of Australia's beautiful wetland plants. I also hope that we may be able to help you out with the wetland plants that you need for your wetland project. We grow plants to order (please contact us for information on length of time needed for growing plants for you), and also carry wetland plants in stock, though the numbers in stock and species carried at any given time changes dramatically. Please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to help.
Aidan Banfield.
Copyright: Pictures, text and other material in this web site are copyright to Aidan Banfield (unless otherwise indicated - eg. copyright belongs to a third party). Where I am happy for information to be copied and distributed (eg. PDF brochures) this will be indicated on the relevant page, and can be done without the need to contact me so long as the information is copied complete, is not modified or changed and the source acknowledged.
As my aim is to promote awareness of wetlands I am often happy for the information / photos in this web site to be used by others, but you do need to ask. Please contact me to discusses what you would like to do. Permission if granted, will be at my discretion. Conditions will apply, as may a fee for use of photos (particularly if it is for a commercial use).
Photos in this website are of a low resolution and compressed to make the web site faster. They often also contain a watermark. I have high resolution versions which are more suitable for print media and slide show presentations. If permission to use the images is granted I can email / send high resolution versions to you.
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If you click on a link and nothing happens, or it takes you back to the top of the page, then I have not yet prepared that page, or image. This site is a work in progress, so I have prepared for new information (links that don't yet do anything) and as time permits I am progressively working on this website. My apologies for any inconvenience.